Introduction to Oracle Statement-level triggers
A statement-level trigger is fired whenever a trigger event occurs on a table regardless of how many rows are affected.
In other words, a statement-level trigger executes once for each transaction.
For example, if you update 1000 rows in a table, then a statement-level trigger on that table would only be executed once.
even it will execute without no rows affected
Due to its features, a statement-level trigger is not often used for data-related activities like auditing the changes
of the data in the associated table. It’s typically used to enforce extra security measures on the kind of transaction that may
be performed on a table.
Row-level triggers fires once for each row affected by the triggering event such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
Row-level triggers are useful for data-related activities such as data auditing and data validation.
Pragma Autonomous_transaction;
when we issue rollback or commit inside the trigger it throw error
create or replace trigger mytriggers
after insert on mytable
--pragma autonomous_transaction;
insert into chidam values('fire');
execute : insert into mytable values(1,'chidam1','y1');
it throws error we need to avoid for this used
create or replace trigger mytriggers
after insert on mytable
pragma autonomous_transaction;
insert into chidam values('fire');
in row level trigger , trigger is written on one table , trying to use the same table in execution part it will throw error
avoid : convert the row level trigger to statement level trigger
SQL Error: ORA-04091: table APPS.MYTABLE is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
Avoid : use statement
create or replace trigger mytriggers
after insert on mytable
for each row
lv_number number;
--insert into chidam values('fire');
--select count(*) into lv_number from mytable where status='y';
-- commit;
*Action: Ensure that before returning from an autonomous PL/SQL block,
any active autonomous transactions are explicitly committed
or rolled bac
create or replace procedure insert_data
pragma autonomous_transaction;
insert into chidam values('Akshara1');
commit; --- we should use commit or rollback
calling function
create or replace trigger mytriggers
after insert on mytable
for each row
lv_number number;
insert into chidam values('fire');
--select count(*) into lv_number from mytable where status='y';
-- commit;
A mutating table occurs when a statement causes a trigger to fire and that trigger references the table that caused the trigger. The best way to avoid such problems is to not use triggers, but I suspect the DBA didn’t take the time to do that. He could have done one of the following:
Changed the trigger to an after trigger.
Changed it from a row level trigger to a statement level trigger.
Convert to a Compound Trigger.
Modified the structure of the triggers to use a combination of row and statement level triggers.
Made the trigger autonomous with a commit in it.
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